Center of it All
2: 14-41
Summary: Jesus is the grand
conductor through whom God's plan for us- by His Spirit to be able to dream,
prophesy, and to be saved and to see the “great and glorious” day- is
Acts 2: 14-41, Very Rich scripture
- We
will look at this scripture with the view of getting to know
# Who is being addressed: Groups of people
# What is the discourse about: God’s Conductor: Jesus
# Why- the response Elicited. Godly Sorrow/Remorse
in the historical context and in our context.
Groups of People
In the preceding verses Act2: 12 and
13 we see there were people who were amazed and perplexed (12) and others who
were mocking (13), and then verse 14 says Peter along with 11 stood up, so
these were the believers. There were 3 groups of people present there, lets
look at each:
Mockers: What does the Bible say about people who are
mockers? - Fools!,
Proverbs 1:22“How long, foolish
ones, will you love ignorance? How long will you mockers enjoy mocking and you
fools hate knowledge?
Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his
heart, “God does not exist..
Peter first addresses these people
with simple logic: He in one sentence deals with their mockery-saying its only
9AM!! why would they be drunk at that hour? Bible usually deals with mocking
and unbelief with logic, even in Romans it is mentioned that there are enough
things in nature for humans to know there is an eternal power,(Rom 1-20) but
some choose to ignore it. Psalms 19 says The heavens declare the glory of God
and their expanse shows the works of his hand.
Thiessen says in his “Introductory
lectures in Systematic Theology”: God has endowed man with reason and the thing that is wrong is not the use of it, but the abuse of it”
Ravi Zacharias: “ God put enough
into the world to make faith in Him a reasonable thing. But He left enough out
to make it impossible to live by reason alone.”
And here is Peter dealing with them,
later on, in his epistles, he again touches on this, which teaches us how we are
to deal with mockers in the world today, as believers we are often subjects of
mockery and “intellectual” questions, Peter tells us in 1 Peter 3:15-16: To
tell them the reason for your hope with Gentleness, Respect, clear
And that is exactly how we should
answer when faced with mockery, with gentleness, respect, and to use simple
logic like the Bible does time and again.
Wondering: The next group of people who are
there and whom Peter is talking to are those who are wondering: “What is
happening??” they are amazed and perplexed:
Acts 2:12: They were amazed and
perplexed, saying to one another “whatever could this mean?”
They had a sense of awe, and you
know what the Bible says in Proverbs 1: 7 - Fear of the Lord is the beginning of
wisdom. The Fear mentioned here is not the fear which comes because of being
scared, it is reverential fear, a sense of awe! And these people are the ones
who I believe responded at the end by getting baptized, this was the beginning
of wisdom for them.
It is to them that Peter starts to
explain first the scripture(Joel 2:28) which is being fulfilled and second why
now. Verses 17 to 21 Peter is telling then whats happening, and then he gets
into why now part, where he squarely puts the Focus on Jesus: we will get into
it a little later.
Acts 2: 43 Everyone was filled with
awe_ and many signs and wonders were seen- When we are in awe of God, we are in
a posture of worship, and that acts like a catalyst for us to see many signs
and wonders.
It is important for us to never lose
the sense of wonder about God.
Believers: and then there is the third group
present there:
Acts 2: 14 Peter standing up “WITH”
the eleven.
It is important for us to stand with
Preachers and Teachers and Evangelist and all who are witnessing actively. Be of
ONE accord.
Paul repeatedly asked for the
believers to whom he was writing to pray for him.
Romans: "I beseech you,
brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit,
that ye strive together with me in your prayers for me."
We also have to stand with all
ministers and preachers and teachers who are working in the mission fields.
Also as believers, just like the
early believers who were waiting for the Promise of God, we must eagerly desire
to be baptized in the Spirit, to be able to do all that's mentioned: Dream
dreams, prophecy, see visions, to be bold witnesses. That is the will and plan
of God, prophecied long ago but being fulfilled in our times!
God's Conductor: Jesus
Now we come to what is the crux of
this passage, The centrality of Jesus Christ to everything that has just
Acts 2: 22 onwards, Peter puts Jesus
center-stage of his discourse.
22: Jesus was an outstanding Man while
in their midst, attested to by God (indeed being God himself) by all that He
23: God's divine plan and wisdom:
Even though the people crucified him, it was the DETERMINED PURPOSE (marked
out) and FOREKNOWLEDGE of God. Isaiah 52:10 It pleased the Lord to bruise Him.
so that you and I can be saved, His love for us is awe-inspiring.
24: Impossible for death to hold
him- WOW! wow! Wow!
If this does not fill us with awe
nothing will- Imagine being a person over whom death has no power, just wow.
Verses 25-35 Peter proves how the Jewish Messiah cannot be
a “fleshly” David but rather Jesus.
Its the resurrected Jesus exalted at
the right hand of God who is the reason for the event they have just witnessed
(Verse 33)
Jesus- crushed and bruised for us,
now is exalted by God the Father to be both LORD AND CHRIST! (Verse 36)
God's plan to save humanity and His
Love for us needed a conductor in between for all His love to reach us. And
that's why it pleased the Lord. Because with Jesus we could not be reconciled to
God, and what Jesus did exalt Him to a position which NO one can ever occupy:
Lord and Christ!
Jesus' Resurrection and His
exaltation have marked a change in times. Now everyone who calls on His name can
be saved, salvation has come for people. His resurrection can give us a secure place to the see the “Great and Glorious” day.
Jesus was central to God's plan from
the very begining: 1 Pet 1:20-21 “ He indeed was foreordained before the
foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you who
THROUGH HIM believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so
that your faith and hope are in God.”
Anyone who Calls on HIS name shall
be saved
He is the focus and center of our
Faith. Without Him we cant know the riches of the kindness of God and His Grace
for our lives.
Godly Sorrow/Remorse
We now come to Why Peter was telling
them all this, what was the response expected.
Verse 37: They were cut to the
Its been 50-60 days since Peter
himself denied the Lord, this shows what true conviction does.It liberates us
from the past sins and gives us the boldness to be witnesses of the Love of
2 Cor 7 10 Godly produces repentance
leading to salvation, worldly sorrow-death.
Condemnation vs Conviction: one
brings the guilt which crushes you and oppresses, the other is the work of The spirit which leads you to salvation, which is liberation. John 12:47 says Jesus
did not come to condemn.
Metanoia: to think differently,
change your mind. The discourse started with Peter telling them “you
crucified Him” and Jesus a mere man
in their sights. He ends with Jesus is Lord and Christ!
God's plan was always to prosper us
and to reconcile us to him, and Jesus is central to that, we must see His Love for us and His free gift
of salvation in Jesus.
Through Jesus, we receive the Promise
of the Holy Spirit and through The Holy Spirit we receive the Power to be
witnesses of Jesus.
Are we seeing Jesus as the center of
it all in our lives
Do we need to change our minds about
Conclusion and Summary
l Jesus is at Center of God's will for
Humanity, and it is through Him that we believe are saved and receive the promises of God.
l It is Jesus Christ, exalted to the
right hand of God, who pours out the Holy Spirit, for us to be filled and to be
able to have the power to be witnesses: to be able to dream dreams, see
visions, to prophecy and to be bold.
l Jesus is the grand conductor through
whom God's plan for us- by His Spirit to be able to dream, prophesy, and to be
saved and to see the “great and glorious” day- is fulfilled.
l Prayer: Father God, we thank you for
your plan for us, for you foreordained Jesus as the Lamb from before the
foundation of the world, Jesus Christ we thank you for you chose to be the
conductor-the go-between- for us to be able to receive the Love and Promises of
God. We acknowledge your Lordship and Centrality in our lives. We thank you
that through you and you alone we are saved, and thank you for the baptism of
the Spirit, through whom we can be bold witnesses for you. We ask you, Lord Holy
Spirit to use us as we submit ourselves to you. Amen
Word of Grace is an Evangelical (Born Again), Spirit-filled (Charismatic), Reformed, English speaking church in Pune that upholds the Bible as God's inspired Word for life. We are a church community that has people from every part of India and parts of the world. We are here to put the Great Command and the Great Commission into practice by equipping and releasing every member into works of service. Word of Grace is a part of a wider international family of Churches called RegionsBeyond.To know more about us please log onto www.wordofgracechurch.org.

We are a spirit filled, evangelical church that preaches from the Bible as God's inspired Word of life. We are an English language church community that have people from every part of India and even parts of the world. We are here to put the Great Command and the Great Commission into practice by equipping and releasing every member into works of service.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Jesus, The Center Of It All
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