Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Family Matters 2 - How should we treat one another?

Family Matters Part 2
This message was preached by Colin D Cruz at Word of Grace Church  Pune, on the 14th of July 2013. 

The last two Sundays we looked at the positive and negative use of the tongue. Last week we focused on using our mouths to pray. This message starts with some super testimonies of answered prayer. Please listen and be encouraged to pray.
To listen to the AUDIO please CLICK HERE

One of the best stories that demonstrate brotherly love is in Luke 10:25. The Pharisees were looking to trap Jesus with a question. Then Jesus asks about the greatest command to which the man replied. The man tries to justify himself by asking “Who is my neighbor?”

The parable is the reply Jesus gives. The parable of the Good Samaritan- On the road from Jerusalem to Jericho which 14 miles downhill and 4000 ft down wards. It was a dangerous road and there were bandits as well.
A man gets attacked- he was robbed and stripped and left to die. He survived, but was in desperate need for help. Then a man comes along- A priest. To be a priest in those days was a very special position. Only descendants of Aaron could be a priest and he represents God to man and vice versa. Yet this man who knew the law of God so well passed by on the other side and went away.
In verse 32, The Levite did the same thing. They were not Aaron’s descendants who knew the law well but he ignored this man. V. 33- But a Samaritan- Jews who were left behind after Babylon captured them. These Jews inter-married and so these were considered impure and not allowed to live with the Jews.

 But this outcast or enemy saw the plight of the man and had compassion. He went to him and bandaged his wounds and gave him oil and wine. He must have taken his own clothes and made bandages. He poured it on his wounds- he was generous with what he had.

Not only that, he put the man on his donkey and took him to an inn to be taken care of. He also nurses him at the inn- he was with him the whole day and night. The next day, he gave the Inn-keeper 2 silver coins which was sufficient to care for this man and offers even more. This is over-flowing abundant generosity.

Then Jesus asks- Which of these 3 was the neighbor? The expert of the law was caught out. Jesus then said, “Go and do likewise.”

Q. How do we take care of one another and of people outside?
The Good Samaritan is a picture of what Jesus did for us. 1 John 3:16-18 instructs us in this matter. We are celebrating Jesus dying for our sins but John is encouraging us to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
E.g.: If you are materially blessed, we need to have pity on those who are not, or else, how can the love of God be in you?
Titus 2:14- says the God’s people are ‘eager to do what is good’
Titus 3:8- says “those who have trusted in God maybe careful to devote themselves to doing what is good.”

When we hear a message like this, we think “I’ve got a need, how can they help me?” Always ask- MFON- My Faults, Other’s Needs because we can easily focus of other’s faults and my needs.

God has blessed us so much and more- salvation and so much more! So, look for ways to bless someone- maybe giving a lift to someone. Sometimes it means going an extra mile.
Visiting the sick- The least we can do is pray, message them, and make an effort to visit them.

Can we be hospitable? When we do this we demonstrate the love of Jesus. Matthew 25:35 says, “I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Often, it means denying yourself.

Let us take the example of the Good Samaritan and Jesus and lay down our lives to serve others and be a blessing. Abraham in Genesis 12 was promised to be a blessing to all nations. That is our portion as well. Imagine the whole church doing this- in whatever way you can. Let us be a people who love and serve one another. Amen!   

 Word of Grace is an Evangelical (Born Again),  Spirit filled (Charismatic), Reformed, English speaking church in Pune that upholds the Bible as God's inspired Word for life. We are a church community that have people from every part of India and parts of the world. We are here to put the Great Command and the Great Commission into practice by equipping and releasing every member into works of service. To know more about us please log onto www.wordofgracechurch.org.

English Language Service 10am. Please check google maps for directions

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