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Part 5 Love each other |
A vision with no nuts and bolts is like all the beautiful pieces of a car not having been put together so as to function as a car . It will just be pieces that go no where.
This is not rocket science, not is this some hi fi strategy for church growth, but its the most powerful and the greatest of all. How do you know a sermon is good?. Its good when it has an impact and changes people. After the Sunday meeting , later in the evening, several people put this word into practice in different ways. The message is simple, but powerful and life transforming. Read on...
What is
better than raising the dead? Last week we went through the first 4 biblical values
we hold dear viz. Private worship, Public worship, giving and small groups.
At first I
thought I would do the balance 4 today, then I felt maybe 2 but then I felt the
Holy Spirit prompt me to do just one. So we will look at the 5th one
Love one
1 Cor.13 says love is the
highest and the grates of all. We are nothing and gain nothing if we do not
have love. 1Jn 4:4 says that God is love. Why is this important? It’s not God
loves us but God IS love. It is his very nature.
Matt 22:36-39 “Love the Lord your God” is then closely
follow by “love one another”
Jn 13:34-35 the test and proof that you are truly a
disciple is that you love one another. Your gifts don’t mark you as a disciple
of Jesus, your love does.
1Jn 3:11, 1 Jn 4:20 you cannot love God and hate your
brother. Love is important because God is love and it’s a proof that we are his
God loves us
not because we are good but because He is love. We find some people difficult
to love because they have faults, just like you and me. People let you down,
people sometimes only take and do not give.
What does God do?
Jn 5:12 Love each other as I have loved you.
How did Jesus love you?
Rom 5:8 gives us the standard of Jesus love –
He laid down His life for us. We need to love people in spite of their
How do we demonstrate
unconditional love?
Word of Grace is good at loving people. But let us remind
ourselves of a few ways we can express love. Here are some ways.
1. Greet warmly-
we need to love and lay down our lives. We need to take the initiative in
greeting people. Greet warmly in culturally appropriate ways.
2. Showing love –
“smile, it improves your face value!”the no.1 disease in the world today is loneliness.
We need to demonstrate love by having open homes.
3. Eating together-
hospitality is a great way of demonstrating love.
4. Sick- visit
the sick lay hands on them and pray for them. It’s a great way to express love.
5. Remembering birthdays and anniversaries. Wish them and pray for them.
6. Serving people
in whatever way possible. See where there is a need- don’t wait to be asked.
7. Partnering in God’s work – working together to reach the lost.
8. Having fun times – Living life together. WE need to engage with the Church and the world
in fun things. We are supposed to have life to the full.
9. Love is being gentle with one another – we respect and give honour where it is due. Teach
our children to greet people.
10.Loves also means correction- but this should be done in gentleness “Teach, admonish one
another” this can happen when the relationships matures.
11.Teaching the word of
12.We express that
we miss someone. Find out why someone has not come to church and express
concern and love.
13.Affirm and appreciate one another. Every morning there is a team that works hard at set up-
lets appreciate them. Think of whom you can affirm.
Part of our vision is
that each one grows in loving one
another. Will you be a more loving person? Rom 5:5 is how this happens.
As we worshiped his love has been
poured out into our hearts- lets take it and give it to the hungry and thirsty
world out there ! Amen!
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