Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Know God - know yourself | Colin D Cruz

This message was preached by  Colin D' Cruz at Word of Grace Church  Pune, on the 24 th Of November 2013. 
 How do we face the challenges of life? 
Read and listen to this  message.
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Sometimes situations may seem hopeless and dark. Cancer, big debts, stress at work, health issues. We face all kinds of situations and reasons not to get out of bed. We all have problems. How do we deal with it? God has been speaking to us right through the morning in the meeting.

We can deal with our problems by knowing who we are and stand in all that God has for us. The year is almost ending. We need to see who we are in relation to our God.

Mephiboseth- Jonathan’s son, son of Saul- Tragedy struck him at age 5. His father and grandfather died in battle. His nurse grabbed him to run and hide and in running she dropped him and he was crippled as a result of that.

2 Samuel 4:4- 2 Sam 9:

Mephiboseth is a picture of how we were at one time. David is not king and Saul was trying to kill him for many years. He was David’s enemy.  In the same way we were enemies with God. But David- a type/ picture of Christ asks about the House of Saul to whom he wants to show kindness for Jonathan’s sake.  This is how God is with us.

David and Jonathan made a covenant (1 Sam 20: 14) with each other. There was a friendship and agreement of kindness. Jonathan knew David would be king one day. Now David remembers that covenant. Ziba, a servant of Saul was summoned and was asked about Saul’s family. Ziba mentions Mephiboseth.

In verse 5 David asked for him.  He is living in ‘Lo debar’ i.e. a God forsaken place, back of beyond. We were like that- in a hopeless state.

Now he is summoned and he must have been afraid because he knew Saul has tried to kill David many times. (This is like Adam in the garden). He bows down and pays David honor. Mephiboseth calls himself a servant. He was the grandson of the first King of Israel!

Q. What does David do?
The first thing he says “don’t be afraid”.  He had reason to be and in the same way we have reason to be with GOD . David keeps his word. It was nothing Mephiboseth had done or could do.
The same way we come before God and God shows us kindness because of Jesus. We can’t do anything to get it. We are lost.

David gives Mephiboseth all his father’s inheritance. What grace and what a change in his fortune! Not only that, he was told to eat at the King’s table every day. What must have Mephiboseth’s response been? He bowed down .We need to realize that there is nothing good in us that we should be chosen by God.

 Mephiboseth gets all his inheritance and in a day his destiny is changed forever. He is treated as a son not a servant. Wow! That is what God has called you and me to. In our problems, we have to see ourselves differently.    

What will give us the strength to face trials? Its knowing this truth.
Titus 3:4- “…but because of His mercy.” Not because of anything good in us.
Are you aware of God’s loving kindness toward you?  As we were reminded this morning to come to Him and He will give you rest.

God wants to do the same for us as David did for Mephiboseth. Man wants to earn everything. No, God gives, we receive by faith. Go to Jesus and entrust your situations in His hand. That is our hope and will take us through.

Romans 8- God has given us Jesus. So why not everything else? This is the grace of God- undeserved!  

       Word of Grace is an Evangelical (Born Again),  Spirit filled (Charismatic), Reformed, English speaking church in Pune that upholds the Bible as God's inspired Word for life. We are a church community that have people from every part of India and parts of the world. We are here to put the Great Command and the Great Commission into practice by equipping and releasing every member into works of service. To know more about us please log ontowww.wordofgracechurch.org.

    English Language Service Sundays at 10am. Please check google maps for directions!

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