Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Repositioned on purpose : Tope Koleoso | THE HUB 2014

This message was preached by Tope Koleoso at THE HUB , the annual conference of Regions Beyond, an apostolic sphere that is a part of Newfrontiers, an international family of churches joined in apostolic partnership.

PREPOSTIONED ON PURPOSE - Tope Koleoso Session 2

Acts 17:26- 28, John 7:37-
I am reminded of the chapter in Thessalonians where Paul is just adding so many things towards the end. I am going to just say a whole lot of stuff. But there are three things I want to share with you.

1. Diversity 2. Integrity  3. Authority,
God has called you to go – Your going has to be purposeful but there are things to keep in mind.

Acts 17 Paul talks about God who made the world and everything in it. He is not in need of anything for He gives life and breath to everything. We need to find him but he is not far from us. Diversity is not just a good idea it is God’s idea. 

In Genesis  you see diversity from verse 11 onwards – God made different kinds of plants, flowers, fruits , fish, birds animals. If you asked God why did he do this? He’d say I love it. God loves diversity!! Man gets so full of himself! We than that we have made it when we have actually only discovered things!!

God made diversity from unity. You want to see majesty? See how He made things with one word!! WE are made by God See Ps 139God knows you because He has made you and loves you just the way you are! In a fallen word this diversity is used for evil and creates hatred and discord. It is sin when you have tribalism/castism in a nation. There is wickedness in this world. Because it’s gone so wary God has a plan – he calls the church to be a light and to demonstrate what He intended!

In our celebration today we are rehearsing heaven. Therefore we must take it seriously, what God is teaching you. God is re-positioning you for maximum impact. God s setting you up in a position for something he wants done. 
He is positioning you for something great and grand. Don’t let go of this diversity for good doctrine. Good doctrine is good only when its being lived out!! Celebrate diversity.

Be biblically persuaded Mal2:10. Acts17 Rev 5:9 Rev 7:9
WE are made from one man. We should be biblically persuaded not just because it is a good idea. Biblical persuasion is what will keep you in tough times. We let the Word of God dictate our lives. We teach scripture intentionally and build wisely. By wisdom a house is built and w this we will go beyond just integration to acceptance. The law integrates but cannot love.

We will go beyond tolerance to real love. Tolerance is I won’t harm you – we will co exist. We go beyond that to real love and allowing the gospel to change us for his glory. The people see but can’t explain it. We can go from natural culture to kingdom culture.

There is a call upon us as a people. There is something about this sphere! When people know God is in the house people don’t want to be left behind. We are a part of something bigger.

Very few images are as powerful as a shepherd and sheep.
There are something’s that you never leave behind or leave out or you will be found out! “The enemy is happy to wait for your weak moment” Terry Virgo. So be careful!!

Remember that you are first a sheep before you are a shepherd. Do not shepherd till you run out of the flow, energy and anointing. You can still do it because you know the drill but it’s empty. What is your own daily devotion like? As the church grows don’t forget that you are first a son. You are a sheep too, so stay close to the shepherd. The more we stay close to Him we will go far in God! It’s easy to fake it and what people will not know.

Be sure that your time with God is guarded. A good devotional life is where you go to God to find your identity. God calls you a son! When you get that inside you can handle everything. It’s not your church but God’s church.

In our devotional time you should look for an encounter with God no matter how small. A good devotional life is where you get purified. It’s a moment of honesty and he does not condemn. It’s a moment of vibrancy and dependency on God.

Remember you are an under shepherd. Pay attention to your shepherd and the flock. A sending church should be a strong church. Not just in doctrine but in spirit and life, Christ in you the hope of the people meat and not chaff. We direct, lead, protect but we are never condemning- it’s a grace filled atmosphere. How do you grow a church? On your knees.

Feed your church well – slowly over time, carefully, methodically and then you will go to the regions beyond.
Do not settle for what God has not put on your heart. We should do whatever we can to share the gospel. Its not size for size sake but for gospel advance. You are a kingdom agent.

Be careful of doing things the modern way instead of the Shepherds’ way, where it begins to look like an organization. This is offensive to the almighty. It’s frightening to build something that gets flattened.

Looks for success
Looks for faithfulness
Focus in training management style
Looks for spiritual gifting
Spiritual impartation

Calling , anointing
Looks for large  crowds
Looks for large people

Focus on discipleship
Dependent on processes and systems
Dependent on the Holy Spirit
Hire and fire
Raises up people

3. Authority
Remember your authority as a leader. Remember God has given you this authority. The church in the west does not need more money or facilities. It needs prayer. That’s the first thing that gets shifted out. See the New Testament church, how much they prayed. The modern day church has given up on prayer and its dependence on God.

Prayer is vital and as a leader be there. Call upon me and I will answer you. That is the authority of the Christian. Pray your children back into the fold.
It’s a call to power. I am concerned that we do not see miracles in the order that we believers talk about so much, Pray for it, we need to see it here.

Stop criticizing others who have miracles but weak theology. The point is God turns up there so have humility. People are watching miracles in meeting on TV because we don’t have miracles in our churches. Be hungry for it and seek it.

We need good theology and the power of the Holy Spirit, signs and wonders. Rom 15. Don’t settle for anything less. Matt4, Mk1, Sometimes Jesus only did signs and wonders. The west has settled for counseling. We have power and authority as a believer. Don’t let anyone steal that from you.

The vital place of spiritual fullness is the Holy Spirit. Jn7:37 You might feel freshly awakened by God today . Jesus says if any man is thirsty come… We all need to be filled again and again. You cannot continue to minister without being filled.

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