are the two questions everyone wants to be answered? Who am I and why am I here?
We can our identity from possessions, position or place. I want to tell you that we get our identity from a person – His name is Jesus. Our being or identity is NOT connected to doing something but knowing someone.
We need to go back to Eden. We need to
understand what happened there to deal with the roots. Today we are doing
root treatment.
God created Adam and Eve He was their Perfect Father. They were created to have a perfect relationship with him of love, trust and intimacy. But for there to be true love and trust, there needs to be the ability to choose. So, there were these 2 trees.
We have another character in this story. His name is Lucifer. He lived in God’s presence and was the chief worshipper but he was cast out of God’s presence which was marked by love and intimacy. He lost that forever. He became an orphan. When he saw that God made man in His own image who were enjoying the intimacy he once had he turned his hate toward mankind and was on a mission to steal, kill and destroy man’s identity, intimacy and inheritance in God.
His biggest battle is against you, a child of God. He knows that when sons of God realize and live in their identity, the earth that is his dominion will be dispelled of darkness, as sons and daughters of God shine as light and regain their lost glory because of the fall.
Praise God our lost connection with the Father is restored in Christ, through the cross. Jesus came to reveal the Father, and His primary mission was to reunite us with Him. We live in a fallen world and none of us escape its effects. The fall fractured our relationship not only with Father God, but with our fellowmen and nature. Man, woman and the ground were cursed. Jesus came to restore us to the Father and heal our wounded hearts and relationships.
Yet why do many Christians struggle with
The Bible tells us that when we are born
again, we become children of God. We are adopted into His family.
‘The Spirit you received does not make you slaves
so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about
your adoption to sonship. And by him, we cry, “Abba, Father.”’ (Rom 8:15)
Salvation is in an instant. The Cross brings about restoration and
renewal of our body, mind, and soul is a lifelong process – we are being
changed from one degree of glory to another. We must partner with that renewal
So, while we are born again and we are new creations in Christ, there is
still a ‘sin habit’ we have to put to death. We carry some old habits into it the new
kingdom. The orphan spirit
is one of them. It is not cast out; it needs to be replaced. It gets
replaced by truth, the truth that transforms the way we think which affects how
we behave.
Satan using the orphan way of thinking to keep
us from realizing our full potential
An Orphan way of thinking affects our thinking, perception and behavior. Deep down, they struggle to understand that God loves them and that HE is good. Whenever we feel God is not looking after our best interest, we feel jealous, envious and bitter towards others which is a part of orphan thinking.
We need to recognize it, repent and replace
those thought patterns with Christ-like ones. It is a daily ongoing process of renewing
the mind. We have to choose to embrace sonship i.e what we have positionally
we now need to walk out experientially.
Let us look at the story of THE PRODIGAL
SON. Both the sons operated out of an orphan spirit? The younger was
overtly rebellious, independent and self-willed.
The older son was the religious, law-abiding one but was also functioning
from an orphan spirit. He seemed to be obedient, and dutiful. But he had no
intimacy with the Father or else he would have known that everything the
Father has was there for him to enjoy.
He tried to earn favour from duty. The religious spirit is like this. We live driven by rules rather than relationships. This spirit does not understand grace and mercy and therefore cannot celebrate another person. The older son is offended by grace. We can function like this in our families, with friends, at work and at church. It is an internal heart default position that affects how we view the world and God.
For some of us, this orphan is further compounded
by bad experiences in childhood
– abusive home, alcoholic parents, divorce, early death of a father, and physical
and or sexual abuse by people who should have protected you.
For some, it is a deep FATHER WOUND. There has been a steady shift in our culture
and even around the world in the past few decades. Never have we seen the issue
of fatherlessness in our life experiences as we see today. Fathers are
absent because they have fathered children but not out of covenant. Fathers are
absent because of addictions that they are enslaved to viz alcohol, gambling,
drugs or promiscuity. Fathers are absent because of a job where they work long
hours and sometimes seven days a week. We have fathers that are emotionally and
mentally absent from the home.
We all carry
a father wound that was knowingly or unknowingly inflicted upon us by our
earthly fathers. And we have all been deceived by the Father of all lies and
been wounded by him– the devil.
things could have happened to us during our growing up that could have tainted
our view of the Father.
OF Father |
on the child |
Distant and
uninvolved |
and self-reliant |
Angry man |
Fear guilt
and shame and had to manage his anger. |
in providing |
and with a poverty mindset and grabbing. |
Cold and
distant |
issues |
Lack of
affirmation |
with identity and approval seeking behavior |
Critical |
Fear of
failure, lying, cover up, blame game |
or sexually abusive. |
Fear, shame and a deep distrust for authority because the one that should have protected you violated you. |
approval only when you did things right |
is based on performance and would work hard to please and earn his love. |
God wants to
heal that wounded heart and reveal his Father's heart to you – that is
for you, that loves you with everlasting love, that gives you more than you can
ask or imagine, his love is unconditional.
All of us display several of these and need to
learn to replace these patterns.
Look at the list below. It is not exhaustive but indicative
operates out
of insecurity and jealousy. |
functions out
of love and acceptance. |
is jealous
of the success of his brothers and cannot celebrate it |
committed to the success of his brothers. |
God to earn the Father’s love. |
serves God from a place of acceptance and favor. |
trust issues and doubts the goodness of God |
walks in
security and trusts living in surrender to God. |
is driven by
the need for success and to stand out. Does
not feel accepted and feels the need to prove their worth. This
may result in:
The spirit leads
the mature son into his calling and mission. Our Father’s invites us to a place of unconditional
acceptance and rest in our unique, God-given identity. (1 Cor 12:18) Sons
and daughters embrace both their strengths and weaknesses—comfortable both
with who they are and Whose they are
anger and fits of rage as fake power. |
in the Father’s ability to control and guide the situation. |
competition with others. Performance-Orientation The spiritual
orphan feels rejected—therefore believing that he or she must compensate
by working hard or performing well to be recognized. This
may result in:
The spirit of sonship is
always blessing others. It wants another to succeed and is not threatened
by another’s success. Takes
responsibility for one's actions: I did something wrong versus ‘I am wrong” |
The orphan spirit lacks
self-esteem. Fear and Insecurity The spiritual
orphan is unsure of his or her place in the family. Orphans also
feel uncovered and unprotected—therefore their instinct is self-preservation. This may
result in:
The spirit of sonship walks
in the love and acceptance of Father God. Our Father’s invitation is to a
place of security in His love, care and constant oversight. (Matt 10:29-31) They can
trust in Father’s faithfulness even when changes or trials occur in
church life. Our Father’s
invitation is to experience the fullness of His undeserved grace and favour.
(Eph 1:6) Sons and daughters generously extend grace to others’ failures. This is because they know the fullness of the Father’s grace towards them. |
identity through material possessions, physical appearance and activities.
The spirit of
sonship is grounded in the Father’s affirmation. |
walk around
with a spirit of rejection. Hence, they are hyper-sensitive and have an
unconscious assumption that people are against them. |
knows he is
accepted and loved by the Father. |
pain with pleasure i.e., drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex etc. |
his pain to God and allows the Holy Spirit to heal them from within. |
authority and finds it hard to submit |
the victim and lives a powerless life. Is often caught in a drama
triangle where they play the Victim. |
powerful and live above circumstances and take responsibility for their
actions and choices. |
control to mask their fears |
aware of their heart and trusts God in trails |
boundary issues |
have clear boundaries with people |
feel they need to do everything on their own. Afraid to show any vulnerability |
afraid to be vulnerable and trust others |
entitled therefore
grabs and looks out for number one |
God as the provider and therefore can live in peace and surrender. |
with forgiveness and generosity |
forgive and give freely. |
It was for freedom Christ came to set us from – to set the captive free, the bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom. The beautiful thing in the Kingdom is that then the ones who were broken now help heal others. We have all been broken. But we have experienced healing and restoration in the cross.
When we have intimacy with the Father, we get
identity. From identity, we get our inheritance and with our inheritance, we
make an impact on this planet.
ORPHAN: I Do – I Have – I Become
SON: I Am – I have – I do
When we learn to cultivate a relationship with Jesus, we will also grow close to the Father, because He and the Father are one. Remain in him. Develop intimacy with the Father as Jesus did.
If you want to start your journey of renewal
and walking away from orphan thinking and behaving – you first need to
acknowledge it. God gives graces to the humble. God will come in and heal those
wounded places in your heart.
Word of Grace is an Evangelical (Born Again), Spirit-filled (Charismatic), Reformed, English-speaking church in Pune that upholds the Bible as God's inspired Word for life. We are a church community that has people from every part of India and parts of the world. We are here to put the Great Command and the Great Commission into practice by equipping and releasing every member into works of service. Word of Grace is a part of a wider international family of Churches called RegionsBeyond.To know more about us please log onto www.wordofgracechurch.org.
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