Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Glorious Church - Things that await us | Steve Oliver

This message was preached at The Glorious Church Conference by Steve Oliver in Mumbai. To listen to the audio please click here.

I asked God to give me insight into what awaits us.  I have four things.

1. We are entering a time where God is going to ask you to lay something down to pick up something else. If your hands are full then you can’t take up to her things, This has already started happening. Be encouraged to say “yes Lord” because he will entrust you with more.
God told me to lay down the church in South Africa. And in the next month I was called to Dubai.

2 In the next few months God is calling us to sacrificial honouring of one another. Be more conscious of what is happening in others lives than your own. If we are fore warned it’s easier to take those steps. It’s an honouring of one another.

3 In the months ahead God is asking you to let go the supports and walk in confidence. He will ask you to do things that will need big faith- big steps of faith. Some will be asked to do big things and I want you to remember the God’s grace is there for it.

4 For those who are serious about God there is going to be a significant harvest for you. I believe you will enter a very fruitful season. Isaac was set on the purposes of God, There was a famine but in faith he planted and God gave him a hundred fold.

If you take the prophetic and treasure it, it will give birth to faith that will result in fruitfulness
So even these 4 things I pray that it will produce much fruit.

1996 we left Cape Town and we moved among the Basotho people., All we had was a prophetic word and faith that God would do what he promised. I had very little training. I would pray “Lord help me “. We had no friends nearby so it was lonely. One day I spent time in John chapters 13-16. This became my training manual for me – a manual of instruction that shaped my life a great deal.

I want to take you through 10 things that Jesus taught me and it’s a foundation on which I built the church. 
John 13 is the final chapter of Jesus life with his disciples. He knew that the cross awaits them. So he gives them final instructions in these final moments. He prepares his disciples for what is about to happen.
The salvation of millions depends on how we respond.

Jesus begins by modeling what every leader should be able to express by our lifestyle. Jesus washed the disciples’ feet and he models a lifestyle of love that can never be equaled. He shows them the full extent of his love. All we will do form here on has to be out of a lifestyle of love. It’s not about me, what I can get. We will be measured by the love we have for one another. Jesus shows them as they out that it must be out of a place of truly loving one another. Love the people. Love one another.

2. JOHN14 DO NOT LET YOUR HEARTS BE TROUBLED. In a short time we will spread across this nation and the nations and we have to learn to live without troubled hearts. Trust in God. We live with the most assured future. Jesus has gone before us and prepared mansions for us.
The disciples have walked with Jesus for a few years and now he was preparing to go. Do not let your hearts be troubled is what He said to them. To see the world changed we have to live with the assurance of what He has done for us.

3. JN14:12  ANYONE WHO BELIEVES IN ME WILL DO WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING. Really? He will do even greater things because I am going to the Father. How is this possible?
V16 I will give you a counselor who will be with you forever. This is the greatest thing Jesus said.
Our task is enormous. I then remember this – The Holy Spirit will be with us forever. He will never leave us. He walks with us. This very representation of Jesus himself. The very presence of heaven was right with us – whom we could feel, touch, and smell. WE need to get used to functioning with him. God has given us each other and the Holy Spirit. We must not forget this. We have to encounter the Holy Spirit and know He is with us.

4. JN14:23 IF ANYONE WHO LOVES ME THEY WILL OBEY ME AND MY FATHER WILL LOVE HIM AND WILL COME TO HIM AND MAKE OUR HOME WITH HIM. We create a household out of our obedience to Christ. We create a heavenly household.
“God comes to board with you” J Wesley. These can be pressurizing times.

5.  v26 THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS AND WILL REMIND YOU OF ALL THINGS This does not mean that we throw out what God has said. If you are serious about God what God has said to you in these days, he will remind us about it.
We go out there is on one who will remind us.

6 .JN15:16 YOU DID NOT CHOOSE ME BUT I CHOSE YOU. What words those are! He has appointed us to bear fruit.

7. 15:26 HE WILL TESTIFY ABOUT ME. Jesus goes before us. If you are not seeing growth ask God to go before you.

8.16:13 HE IS PREPARING HIS DISCIPLES. WHEN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH COMES HE WILL GUIDE YOU IN ALL TRUTH. If you want to live according to the SpIrit of God, live according to word of God.
Our conscience is our greatest gift. The Holy Spirit fellowships with our conscience. This way we will know what is right and wrong. We need the spirit. I love praying for people because I know how much good it will do you.

9. HE WILL ONLY SPEAK WHAT HE HEARS AND HE WILL TELL YOU WHAT IS TO COME. People end so much of the time trying to find out about the future. But we have one who will tell us what is to come on a daily basis.
When someone prophecies and it resonates in our hearts the spirit will show us what is to come. This comforter is there when you are troubled – to comfort us.


We need to be people of the Word and Spirit.

Jesus instructed his twelve and then he said as he broke bread. We do it in remembrance of Him.

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